Tuesday, December 1, 2009

questions about john

By the time I got home from work today it was already dark, therefore- no picture today. However, last night, when I was nestled in a private nook in the library studying for a term paper, a name in the text stood out to me- John the Revelator. As soon as my eyes scanned over his name my mind was bombarded with a barrage of questions and thoughts—

No one ever writes about John the Revelator. So much is written about the Revelation of Jesus Christ that he received, but not so much about him. I wonder what it was like, exiled on the small island of Patmos.

How many days did he lay there, in that dark, damp cave? Where did his scribe come from and what was he like? Was he, too, exiled to Patmos? Where did they get parchment (or whatever it was) to write on? Was the writing platform divinely and naturally there at the time of the Revelation- or was it worn in by tourists? Did his body shake and quake at the power of God surging through him as he watched the future unfold before him in a vision far larger than life? Did he see it all at once and recite it later by memory? Was the Revelation so real that he could not only see what he saw but also touch, smell, taste, and feel it? In what manner was the written Revelation found? Did he post it on the next pony express? And what happened after?
We never hear the rest of John’s story.
When did Patmos become overwhelmed with religious relics, monasteries and churches? At what point did people recognize this as a “holy place”? Was John praised and received for his encounter? Did he see colors that earth has never known (just like the creatures he saw that eye has not seen)?

It’s not really important to know these things, either way. I’m just curious.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of Patmos- taken in May 2009.

Looking out at the ocean from the western side of the island
One of the 300 churches on this 14 kilometer long island

A farm on the eastern side of the island
looking down into the bay

wild goats- we may have eaten their brother for a meal...
And finally- waiting for a ferry at the end of our stay

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