Wednesday, December 9, 2009

dancing snowflakes

I write so that I can remember nights like tonight...

As I walked outside tonight, I marveled at the snow, danced a little happy dance, then cleaned off the inches of powder that had piled on my windshield, and began my drive home.

I tend to get nervous when I’m driving in the snow. I have been in several accidents, and there’s not a worse feeling than losing all control when YOU are behind the wheel… the car spinning or fishtailing. It’s absolutely vulnerable and terrifying. Anyhow, despite the conditions of the road (covered in snow) I was not nervous at all. I drove slowly through Waterville. I saw a total of 5 cars on all of KMD. I had some jazzy music playing quietly in the background, but when I realized what was happening around me, I immediately shut it off. It was almost as if God had intentionally slowed me down (literally…15mph the whole drive) so that I could see the work of his fingers. The wind was blowing and it seemed to come in billows, sort of in ebbs and flows. There would be a clear road in front of me then out of no where a gust of wind from my right would sweep a rush of fluffy white snow all around me. Sometimes it was still, other times it was so full and alive that I couldn’t see the road in front of me. It felt like the snow was the Holy Spirit, and God was twirling it all around me with his fingers in different shapes and forms. It was as if a symphony was playing music and the snow was dancing perfectly with it. The calms, then the rushes of wind were the rising and falling of the tempo. It was a living allegory. Then an occasional leaf would meander its way down from the sky above. It would waddle through the air and fall upon the freshly blanketed ground. I didn’t slip on the road. My drive was completely safe. God was good. Then to top off my fantastically beautiful drive home, I turned down into my neighborhood and there were no driving tracks at all. The road was absolutely smooth and shimmering with that cold white stuff. It was flawless. I had the first tracks in the first real snow of the season. Good job Jesus

it's snowing!

my snow creature is so angelic

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