Wednesday, November 10, 2010

trip planner

I am planning 2 trips in the next few months:
Nicaragua in March
Egypt/Israel/Jordan in September and October

All this talk of travel makes me excited and uncomfortable at the same time.  Most of me wishes that I was there now, out in the nations, exploring and adventuring to my heart's content.  Yet, in all practicality, clearly I need to be here.  Regardless of my current wanderlusty thoughts, I have enjoyed casually browsing through some old images from past adventures.  Here's a night shot of Tel-Aviv, Israel.  The picture was taken from the balcony of the most incredible hotel I've ever seen, let alone stayed in.  Just to give you an idea:: the wall that separated the oversized shower and the bedroom was made of glass- but one could only see through it from the shower.  And the shower came equipped with a remote control for the television that was in the bedroom.  So, while cleaning up after a blustery day in Tel-Aviv, you can shower and watch your favorite sitcom at the same time... along with everyone else staying in your room.  Brilliant!

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