Tuesday, August 24, 2010

beautiful bride!

Megan Juarez dancing with her dad

Friday, August 20, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

meteor shower

A little bit of writing for today...

A few nights ago I bundled up in a hoodie and sweatpants, grabbed my fleece blanket, and walked down to the lake to watch a meteor shower. I was alone and it was late. 11:36pm to be exact. I sat down on an Adirondack chair and looked up at the open sky. About every five minutes I would see a flash of light shoot across the black sheet above, and with each meteor I became filled with a joy and awe that words really can't explain. I felt like a child, and I laughed out loud (somewhat obnoxiously ...imagine that) as the sky transformed above me. I knew that I was watching God paint the heavens, and it felt like an art show of sorts which was designed just for me. Each meteor brought on another laugh, and a deeper understanding of how real and alive and creative God is. I got up from the chair and sat on the edge of the dock. I saw the reflection of the sky in the lake below, a mirror image of the vast starry night. Crickets hummed their sharp noises all around. A fish would jump and pierce the surface of the still lake every couple of minutes. Squirrels bustled about in the trees hanging overhead, occasionally plopping an acorn into the lake. A coyote howled in the distance. Several planes flashed slowly across the dark sky. I was in the midst of a full-sensory experience. The dew of summer night settled in and dampness came upon my exposed face. I laid down on my back to gaze at the stars, just like I had done so many times as a child, and the deep, rich shadows of the night enveloped me. While the world around me was sleeping, I was fully awake. After watching a few more meteors dash across the atmosphere, something to my immediate right caught my eye. A giant dock spider was spindling its web silently beside me. This little creature filled me with fascination, rather than the usual disgust. In the same way that I was watching the creator paint the skies above me, I was able to witness the craft of another artist as it built a perfect web out of the finest silk. The evening was wonderfully divine, a true kiss from heaven!

camden harbor

Sunday, August 15, 2010

beach day!

my friends are wonderful!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

familiar faces

some shots from the family reunion

Saturday, August 7, 2010

revisiting some oldies

I've been going through some old photo albums from the past, recollecting some fantastic memories and places.  Here are a few from my autumn visit to Amsterdam.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

maine organics

fresh from my garden

wild maine blueberries & creme

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


finally got the sailboat rigged, now we just have to get it in the lake

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

creativity is on my mind

we were created by a creative creator to be creative